Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Conor James Hemmert

Conor James Hemmert, my son with the biggest heart. Conor thinks it would be cool to be a skater dude. I know though that is not Conor. Conor is an artist, a builder, and a lover. He is always creating things; on paper, with Legos, or even in his mind. One day maybe he will be an architect, or painter, or an aerospace designer who knows. Conor is the boy who befriends the friendless. He protects those who are made fun of and tries to make them feel better. He is kind and loving to all he meets. These attributes will carry him far in his life. I am proud to have a son who will stick up for those outcasts of society. He is what people call a true friend.

William Daniel Hemmert

William Daniel Hemmert, my first born in the wilderness. This boy is a ball of energy. I swear there isn't a time that he can't sit still. William is doing really well in school. He is in 1st and 2nd blend and is reading at a third grade level. He is very into learning everything he can and wants to be involved in everything we do. He loves to play games, sports, anything that he thinks is fun and he can be the biggest help when he wants to. I love him. With a little help he will grow up to be a great missionary and a responsible young man.

Monday, February 08, 2010

What A Beauty

My wife is the most beautiful woman in the whole world and I just wanted to let everyone know about it. I love her with my whole soul.

Life Changes

My kids are getting older. I am enjoying them most of the time especially when they listen. I try to have fun with them. I have been working full time and going to school so I haven't had much time with them. I cut back on my hours at work because between the three lives the one I want most was losing out. So we won't get to buy much or anything really but at least we can spend time together. Just a few more years of school and I will be done. Well that is the plan anyway. We will see if it works out that way.