Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Well I finally got a daughter. I have had dreams of being a daddy to a little girl for a long time. I dreamed about how it would be to be there for her during all the important events in her life. I planned dressing her up in dresses from the Disney store. My little princess. I want this special little angel to be mine forever and I look forward too and dread the day that she walks down the isle to be with the new man she loves. For now I enjoy having all her devotion. She lights up every time I come home. She just has to hear my voice and a big smile comes across her face. This little babe is the joy in my life and the sunshine in my soul.

Monday, March 17, 2008


Here is the most recent pictures I have of my children. Yes I know that was three months ago but I have been a little busy. Anyway aren't they all just so cute.

The 4th of July!

On July 4th 2007 Heather had our second set of twins. They were 3 months early and had to stay in the hospital for that long. It was the hardest thing any parent would have to go through.
Having to go home every night and then make the trek back to the hospital was a killer on finances but mostly Heather and I, not to mention the three little boys at home. Heather and I got in fights about it. I was only able to go and see them on Sundays because I was working 13 hours a day 6 days a week.Eventually the were able to come home. They were finally able to breath on their own and able to eat. This was the best day we had in a long time.

These precious packages had finally arrived in September. They were healthy and as cute as can be. The boys loved them and we were all glad they were here.

Catch Up

Well it has been a while since I posted on blogger. Lots of things have happened. We moved to Gresham for a few months then found out Heather was pregnant again. So I decided that I needed to get a new job so Heather didn't have to work. We moved to Dayton and I worked with a friend doing pest control. I decided I didn't like that so I went to work for a guy at church painting houses. I decided that I didn't like that either and that I wasn't ever going to make enough money to support my family unless I finished school. So I quit and went back to school. We are now going to move again this weekend to Independence so as to be closer to school. I am going to OSU to become an accountant.
Oh and Heather didn't stay pregnant the whole time either but I want to save that for a post of its own.

Thursday, March 16, 2006


Starting April 3rd I am going back to school. I have a few classes to finish at Clackamas Community College, I will then have my associate degree. It has been a long road of me not being able to decide what to go into. I have taken so many different classes that I am probably driving my family crazy with the lack of direction. I am still thinking about two different areas. One is to go into the business college at Portland State University. The other is to go to the Portland Art Institute and take graphical design. At PSU I would go into Marketing and Advertising. So I am not sure which avenue I will finally take but at least I am headed in the right direction. Everybody wish me luck this school year, oh and an occasional prayer wouldn't hurt either.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Lizards are scary

We were watching a movie at Grandma's house, The Parent Trap, and there is this part were they go camping. Well the girls put a lizard on the dad's girlfriend. Well she screams and Conor jumped and was shaking he was so scared. Then the lizard crawls in her mouth and she is freaking out, well Conor was freaking out too. Now he is in his bed crying because he is still scared even though we told him they aren't scary and not going to get him. So I think we are in for a long night.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Birthday Boys

Yesterday was Conor and Williams birthday! Yes my troublesome toddlers are three. Since it was Sunday and we have church really late in the day we decided to have a family party on Monday. Heather made a chocolate cake in the shape of a castle (pictured above) it is really cool. We had cake and icecream and opened presents! The boys had lots of fun.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Potty Training

My twin boys are almost three! Yeah and we have been trying, off and on, to potty train them. We haven't had much success yet. I don't know what I should do. I have been taking the boys in with me when I go to the bathroom. Does anybody have any other ideas. We also are using big boy pants, giviing treats for success, and giving stars too. So maybe they are just not understanding. I don't know.

Sunday, February 05, 2006


So it has been a little while since I have been able to pay tithing. I decided this month though to pay the Lord first. I had forgotten this somehow.

Well the other day I was opening my car door and locking the door at the same time. Oops... Needless to say the door didn't like that idea, it didn't open. I spent fifteen minutes locking and unlocking the door to no prevail. I ended up crawling over to the other side and going around to open the door. I fiddled around with the door for another fifteen minutes. No change occurred. The next day I proceeded to take apart the door. I tried everything and I couldn't get it to un-stick. So I have spent the last couple of days rolling down my window to get out of the car.

This morning Heather and I had a tithing settlement with the bishop. Well I also brought this months tithing with me. We had a discussion and everything, you know the normal tithing settlement. As we left the church building, to go pick up the boys, something miraculous happened. As I opened my door the lock un-stuck and I can now open my door.

I thought this was a good example of the way the Lord can bless you if you do what he commands. This reaffirmed my testimony of tithing and the blessings paying it will bring to you and your family.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The Best Day Of My Life

The day I married the most beautiful girl in the world is the best day of my life. I will never forget that day. We were married in the Portland Oregon Temple in Lake Oswego. We will be together for all eternity. I will always love this wonderful woman. She is the love of my life and the mother of my wonderful boys. Without her I would go crazy.

Isn't she beautiful!!

Another Great Day Of My Life

The day I was blessed with this third boy was wonderful. He is a precious, sweet baby boy. I love to just hold him close to me to let him know that I love him. Of course he has better things to do than to be held by his dad. This is a picture of all the boys. Merrik, the baby is six months old at this time. The Boys, William and Conor, are twenty-one months here.

Okay More About Me

I am a Dad! One of the best days of my life was when these two little boys came into my life. I love them more than they could ever know. I was the most blessed daddy in the world. Twin boys!

Now To Get Started

First of I would like to put in a link to a couple of good bloggs.
Jackee the Great run by my "GREAT" sister.
The Musings of a Confused Mind run by my dad.
Sensitive and Strong run by my "BEAUTIFUL" wife.
Mithril Magic run by me, it is a blogg about magic.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Here We Go

Well welcome to my blog! I just started this so I don't really know what to put down.